The ISRO chief said that the initial training for the Gaganyaan will be held in India and advanced training will be done in Russia. The Gaganyaan is supposed to carry a three-member crew for a span of seven days. The total cost for India’s indigenous human spaceflight is supposed to be Rs 10,000 crore. ISRO announced that even civilians are allowed to take part in this project. They also said that the selection process is going to be very rigorous during the first round and for the second and third it is going to be comparatively relaxed.

Where space projects have been advised to be curbed due to budget problems, ISRO has done a great job in introducing the most budget friendly space research projects. To recall, the major Indian space projects include Space Capsule Recovery Experiment Mission SRE-1 in 2007, Mars Orbiter Spacecraft launch in 2013, and Chandrayan-1 during 2008. The Gaganyaan project is a manned mission that is scheduled for December 2021. Also, ISRO has targeted two unmanned missions in December 2020 and July 2021. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

ISRO to begin preparations for Gaganyaan which would include women Astronauts - 8ISRO to begin preparations for Gaganyaan which would include women Astronauts - 51